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Fascia Research Society

Scientific Program Committee Charter


The Scientific Program Committee is pivotal in coordinating and programming the triannual International Fascia Research Congress (FRC). It is responsible for scheduling scientific and application content based on peer-reviewed abstracts.  The Scientific Program Committee will work with FRS staff on format, logistics, promotion, budget, etc. The Scientific Committee has the functions of verifying and controlling the quality of all the activities carried out and the scientific production of the FRC.
The triannual International Fascia Research Congress is responsible for advancing scientific inquiry and applied methods in the field of Fascia Studies by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and providing opportunities for learning and collaboration.

Committee Type

Committee Membership
The board will appoint the committee chair and co-chair(s). The Chair will appoint additional members so that there are up to 6 members including the chair/co-chair,  with additional non-chair members serving a two-year staggered term. The FRS governing Board of Directors and/or committee chair may fill vacancies on the committee and remove a member at any time, with or without cause. All committee members must be members of FRS in good standing.
FRS staff liaison provides necessary support to the Co-Chairs and Committee members to facilitate the committee's work, including scheduling meetings, helping to prepare agendas, and preparing the annual report to the FRS Board. In addition, FRS staff provides meeting management execution and support for the FRC.
FRS commits to professional diversity, including scientists, researchers, practitioners, athletic professionals, and others involved in the study of fascia. FRS is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable nonprofit organization where all members, volunteers, service providers, and employees feel valued and respected, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability.

The committee has no expressed or implied power or authority beyond completing its responsibilities outlined in the Charter for the FRS.

The FRC is a large undertaking, and the Scientific Program Committee will create subcommittees of volunteers as needed to focus on specific portions of the congress, such as guidelines for scientific and clinical abstract submission, abstract peer review, workshop review, welcome reception, closing ceremonies, keynote speakers, etc. Chairs of the Scientific Program Committee may take the lead over the subcommittees or appoint a volunteer.  Congress Subcommittees:
  1. Content Recruitment
    1. Create the FRC theme, sub-themes and plenary session topics.  Define the FRC abstract submission guidelines.
    2. Encouraging abstract submitters to identify why their presentation would be valuable to attendees (for use in Congress promotion efforts).
    3. Create and confirm a list of reviewers for the submitted abstracts, design a simple and effective rubric for ranking abstract submissions, and assign submitted abstracts to three individual reviewers.
    4. Set a timeline for the start and close of abstract submission and the start and close of all reviews being turned into the committee
      1. The abstract reviewers won't need to attend Scientific Committee meetings or Board meetings.
    5. Determine the keynote speakers, panelists, patient panelists, short oral presentations, and poster presentations.
    6. Determine and assign appropriate, trained Session Chairs for each session and concurrent sessions.  FRS President will Chair and announce all keynotes, prepare FRC opening/daily  remarks, MC receptions and evening poster sessions.
    7. Calendar the congress using blocks of dates and time frames.
The full Scientific Program Committee will meet 2-4x monthly or more the year prior and the year of the FRC.  On off-years, the committee may meet monthly or as determined. Subcommittees may meet on their own schedule while maintaining excellent communication with the Scientific Program Committee.  A majority of the active committee members in attendance shall constitute a quorum. The committee chair or one of the co-chairs will remember to set a script of the ZOOM meeting, edit the closed captions, and forward this copy to the FRS Office at info@fasciaresearchsociety.org.

This charter was written by Tina Wang, Rebecca Pratt, Caterina Fede, Kyra De Connick, and Eric Fletty and approved by the FRS board of directors on July 17th, 2024.