Member Benefits
Benefits of membership
FRS membership offers financial benefits, as well as interpersonal and professional development opportunities to researchers, clinicians and educators working in many areas of study involving fascia. Additionally, students working towards these disciplines, and all others interested in the study, research and/or treatment of fascia in any or all of its forms and functions find membership beneficial.
Financial Benefits:
- Priority registration and discounts to meetings and workshops at the International Fascia Research Congress
- Discounts to courses, including Research Fundamentals
- Discounts on high resolution fascia photos
- Free access to Fascia Academy webinars and recordings with world renowned researchers and educators
- Discounts on Fascia Research Congress recordings
Professional Development Opportunities and Interpersonal Benefits:
- Participation in a membership community that promotes the awareness, education, science, and therapy involving human fascia
- Exclusive access to members-only content (including a Membership Directory, Member-to-Member marketplace, and online lectures by fascia experts)
- Guidance towards the latest and best information about the body‘s connective tissue matrix
- Opportunity to serve on FRS Committees
- Ability to make an impact with active involvement in the Society
- Access to worldwide professional, interdisciplinary networking and mentoring relationships
Our members
- Acupuncturists
- Athletic Trainers
- Chiropractors (DC's)
- Energetic, hands-on healers (Therapeutic Touch)
- Exercise Teachers
- Massage Therapists
- Movement educators and therapists
- Naprapaths
- Naturopaths
- Neuromuscular Therapists
- Nutritionists
- Osteopaths
- Physiatrists & other physicians practicing neuromusculoskeletal medicine or manual medicine
- Physical Therapists (PT's)
- Prolotherapists (Sclerotherapy)
- Rehabilitation Specialists
- Structural Integration Practitioners
Researchers, scientists, and anatomists engaged and/or interested in:
- Biomechanics of ligaments & other dense fibrous connective tissues
- Biomedical Researchers
- Connective tissue research
- Gait & postural dynamics
- Matrix biology
- Musculoskeletal dynamics
- Orthopaedics
- Rehabilitation
- Rheumatology
- Sports medicine
Academics — educators involved in teaching in the above fields
Become a member!
Membership in FRS offers a host of benefits (listed below) and is open to any student or professional working in the study of fascia and/or a professional activity involving fascia. You may join the FRS as one of the following types of members:
Regular membership is open to all individuals who engage in the study and understanding of fascia, or related disciplines, and are interested in furthering their knowledge in the field of fascia. To join please provide your information and submit payment for first year dues.
Regular membership dues are $125.00 annually.
Any student enrolled in an educational or vocational program that provides education and/or training in any field of fascia, or a related discipline, may apply for a Student Membership. Verification of student status is required and can be uploaded with your dues. The verification can be a letter from an advisor or department head, student ID, enrollment documents, or any other documentation of your student status.
Student dues are $35.00 annually.
If you received another membership offer, please contact us at
Tax Deductibility: The Fascia Research Society is a 501c(3) charitable organization. Dues may be taken as a charitable deduction or business expense. Please check with your tax accountant for clarification.