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Fascia Research Society

FRS Nominating Committee Charter


The Nominating Committee's purpose is to facilitate the nomination and recruitment of qualified candidates for election or appointment to the board.  The committee prepares a slate of nominees for the elective offices of the Association; as well as to review committee appointments, as recommendations for the Board’s approval.
Committee Type
Committee Membership
The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past President and may consist of past members of the Board of Directors and or termed-out committee members.  Members will be selected for two-year terms but may serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year appointments. The board President may fill vacancies on the committee and remove a member at any time, with or without cause. All committee members must be members of FRS in good standing.
FRS staff liaison provides necessary support to the Co-Chairs and Committee members to facilitate the committee's work, including scheduling meetings, helping to prepare agendas, and preparing the annual report to the FRS Board. In addition, FRS staff provides meeting management execution and support for the FRC.
FRS commits to professional diversity, including scientists, researchers, practitioners, athletic professionals, and others involved in the study of fascia. FRS is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable nonprofit organization where all members, volunteers, service providers, and employees feel valued and respected, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability.
The committee has no expressed or implied power or authority beyond completing its responsibilities outlined in the Charter.
  1. Utilize a combination of soliciting and recruiting potential candidates for the Board:
    1. Solicit the names of potential candidates through a letter and/or email to the membership.
    2. Identify and recruit individuals for specific skills desired on the Board.
  1. Vet candidates for the skills, experience, competencies, and willingness to serve on the board effectively
  2. Prepare, rank, and recommend a slate of candidates to the board for approval
  3. Solicit nominations for and select recipients for any FRS awards.
  4. Review its charter annually and recommend any proposed changes to the board for review.
  5. Report its activities to the board as needed.
The committee will meet quarterly or more often as needed. A majority of the committee members present shall constitute a quorum. The committee chair will take and keep a copy of the meeting minutes and forward a copy to the FRS Office at info@fasciaresearchsociety.org.

This charter was written by Rebecca Pratt and Eric Fletty and approved by the FRS board of directors on July 17, 2024.  The estimated volunteer commitment for this committee is approximately 2 hours per month.