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Fascia Research Society

FRS Fascia Research Congress Steering Committee



The Fascia Research Congress Steering Committee (aka Steering Committee) is responsible for oversight, logistics, and global execution of the Fascia Research Congress.  The Steering Committee will work primarily with FRS staff to approve space usage, logistics, promotion, budget, etc., all while keeping the overall membership experience at the Congress in mind.
The triannual international Fascia Research Congress aims to advance scientific inquiry and application methods by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and providing meaningful opportunities for learning and collaboration.  

Committee Type

Committee Membership
The board will appoint the committee chair and co-chair(s). The Chair will appoint additional members as needed.  The FRS governing Board of Directors and/or committee chair may fill vacancies on the committee and remove a member at any time, with or without cause. All committee members must be members of FRS in good standing.
FRS staff liaison provides necessary support to the Co-Chairs and any Committee members to facilitate the committee's work, including scheduling meetings, helping to prepare agendas, and preparing the annual report to the FRS Board. In addition, FRS staff provides meeting management execution and support for the FRC.
FRS commits to professional diversity, including scientists, researchers, practitioners, athletic professionals, and others involved in the study of fascia. FRS is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable nonprofit organization where all members, volunteers, service providers, and employees feel valued and respected, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability.

The committee has no expressed or implied power or authority beyond completing its responsibilities outlined in the Charter for the FRS.

The FRC is a large undertaking, and the Steering Committee will coordinate with the Scientific Program Committee and FRS Staff to produce the overall attendee experience at the Fascia Research Congress.
  1. FRC Receptions
    1. Provide input to FRS staff for:
      1. Designing a Welcome reception, the night before day #1 of the congress.
      2. Designing a Closing ceremony/reception/formal end of the congress.
      3. Coordinating and chairing the required FRS membership business meeting before the close of the congress.
      4. Creating and scheduling networking and social opportunities surrounding the Congress.
  2. Sponsors, Exhibits, and Congress Promotion
    1. Provide input to FRS staff for:
      1. Securing monetary sponsors for the receptions and movement sessions. 
      2. Securing business, non-profit, and other appropriate exhibitors for the Congress. (Staff will determine details for exhibitors such as set-up and break-down times, space assignments, area display guidelines, and ethical responsibilities/COI. )
      3. Identify potential associations with similar interests or media partners to boost promotion efforts.
      4. Best practices for the development of congress promotional materials and signage at the congress.
  3. Congress Local Hosts
    1. Provide input to FRS staff for:
      1. Organizing and communicating with local people/organizations to help with restaurant selection, transportation, airports, hotel arrangements, parking, sites to see or “not miss”.  Providing history of area for attendees. 
      2. Promoting the congress with above information. 
      3. Assigning Session Chairs* to introduce sessions, participate in panel discussions, or serve in other host capacities.
      4. Assigning Volunteers during the congress to assist with greeting participants, counting attendance in sessions, AV assistant monitoring, etc.
    2. *Collaborate with Content Subcommittees to establish appropriate and competent session Chairs (requires contacting possible chairs and scheduling them based on attendance, COI and completed training)
The complete Steering Committee will meet as needed with FRS staff and/or the Scientific Program Committee.  
This charter was written by Rebecca Pratt and Eric Fletty and approved by the FRS board of directors on July 17, 2024.  The estimated volunteer commitment for this committee is approximately 3-5 hours per month.