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Fascia Research Society

Education Committee Charter


The Education Committee will explore and develop educational activities (webinars, courses, resources, etc.), excluding the Fascia Research Society Congress. The Committee will evaluate current gaps in fascia education and propose and develop resources and initiatives in response to this need. To accomplish this, the committee will:
  • Assess FRS membership priorities for the need and development of educational offerings
  • Identify thought leaders within the FRS community and those we can bring into the FRS community who can participate in or teach the various educational offerings
  • Work with other FRS committees to circulate educational offerings to enhance FRS membership and promote FRS to potential new members
Committee Type

Committee Membership
The board will appoint the committee chair and co-chair(s). The Chair will appoint five members, two additional members serving a staggered two-year term. The FRS governing Board of Directors and/or committee chair may fill vacancies on the committee and remove a member at any time, with or without cause. All committee members must be members of FRS in good standing and adhere to the FRS Code of Conduct.
FRS staff liaison provides necessary support to the Co-Chairs and Committee members to facilitate the committee's work, including scheduling meetings, helping to prepare agendas, and preparing the annual report to the FRS Board.
FRS commits to professional diversity, including scientists, researchers, practitioners, athletic professionals, and others involved in the study of fascia. FRS is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable nonprofit organization where all members, volunteers, service providers, and employees feel valued and respected, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability.

The committee has no expressed or implied power or authority beyond completing its responsibilities outlined in the Charter.

  1. Explore and develop educational programs and products in response to FRS's current and future membership needs and/or Board requests.
  2. Evaluate previous educational programs for usefulness.  Survey and recommend activities in response to the needs of the FRS membership.
  3. Collaborate with FRS Staff to effectively use electronic technology to deliver educational development programs
  4. Recruit, interview and coordinate presenters.  Collaborate with FRS Staff and Communication Committee for advertisement.
  5. Coordinate with the Communication Committee to publish a consistent newsletter.
  6. Develop an annual recommendation for course/CME/product offerings to be included in the next FRS budget.
  7. Offer a minimum of 6 webinars per year with the schedule planned and released in November each year
  8. Create a resource pack for FRS researchers and clinicians on academic writing skills and presenting skills
  9. Collaborate with the FRC Scientific and Planning committees to encourage incorporation of applied and clinical practice into future FRS events
  10. Review the charter annually and recommend any proposed changes to the board for review.
  11. Report activities to the board on a quarterly basis.
The full Education Committee will meet monthly or more depending on scheduled programming.  Each committee member will be expected to attend all meetings, if three meetings are missed consecutively, they will be removed from the committee at the discretion of the co-chairs. Subcommittees may meet on their schedule while maintaining excellent communication with the Scientific Program Committee.  A majority of the active committee members in attendance shall constitute a quorum. The committee chair or one of the co-chairs will remember to set a script of the ZOOM meeting, then edit the closed captions, and forward this copy to the FRS Office at info@fasciaresearchsociety.org.

This charter was written by Dr. Claire Melanie Boucher and approved by the FRS board of directors on July 17, 2024.