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Fascia Research Society

Communications Committee Charter


The Communication Committee will be responsible for generating outgoing messaging to both FRS members and, as warranted, the general public.  The Committee will coordinate with other FRS Committees, Board Members, and Staff as required In order to maintain consistency in messaging. The Communications Committee will explore and develop online platforming opportunities.

Committee Type

Committee Membership
The board will appoint the committee chair and co-chair (if needed). The Chair will appoint members, each serving a two-year staggered term. The board and/or committee chair may fill vacancies on the committee and remove a member at any time, with or without cause.
The committee shall have a minimum of four members and a maximum of seven, not including the chair and co-chair. All committee members must be members of FRS in good standing and adhere to the FRS Code of Conduct.
FRS commits to professional diversity, including scientists, researchers, practitioners, athletic professionals, and others involved in the study of fascia. FRS is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable nonprofit organization where all members, volunteers, service providers, and employees feel valued and respected, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability.
Each committee is assigned a Staff Liaison. The Liaison provides necessary support to the Chair, Co-Chair, and Committee members to facilitate the committee's work, including setting up meetings, helping to prepare assigned materials, and preparing the annual report to the FRS Board. The Liaison (depending on the committee scope) may also execute deliverables assigned by the committee (i.e., social media posts, etc.).

The committee has no expressed or implied power or authority beyond completing its responsibilities outlined in the Charter.

1. Publish a bi-monthly FRS newsletter in coordination with the Educational Committee
2. Maintain and enhance the FRS website.
3. Create social media posts
4. Develop ongoing media relationships/contacts. 
5. Review the charter annually and recommend any proposed changes to the board for review.
6. The committee will report its activities to the board at least annually.

The committee will meet monthly or more often as needed. Each committee member will be expected to attend all meetings. If three meetings are missed consecutively, they will be removed from the committee at the discretion of the co-chairs. A majority of the committee members present shall constitute a quorum. The committee chair will take and keep a copy of the meeting minutes and forward a copy to the FRS Office at info@fasciaresearchsociety.org.

This charter was written by David Lesondak, Rob Umfress, Jill Miller, and Fabina Silva and approved by the board on July 17, 2024.