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Fascia Research Society

2009 Post Conference Workshops

Full Day Workshops 

All full day workshops are presented in two periods, morning 9-11:30 am, and afternoon 1-3:30 pm, on Saturday October 31.

1. Dynamic ultrasound evaluation of the sliding motion of organs related fascia layers in vivo, before and after manual fascial release techniques in situ. Lecture-Demo. To appreciate the extent of sliding movements between fascial layers in vivo, dynamic ultrasounds imaging of impaired sliding fascial motion in patients with chronic disorders or with post-surgical limitation of function and/or motion will be shown. The motion of the same fascial planes will be presented on dynamic ultrasound imaging after specific manual fascial release techniques have been applied. 

Dott. Davide Bongiorno, A.T.S.A.I.: A.T.STILL ACADEMY ITALIA – Bari, Naples, Milan, Italy; S.I.U.M.B. : Società Italiana di Ultrasonologia in Medicina e Biologia  – Sede: Roma, Italy

Dott. Paolo Tozzi, C.R.O.M.O.N.: Centro di Ricerche Olistiche per la Medicina Osteopatica e Naturale, Rome, Italy; A.I.R.O.P.: Associazione Italiana per la Rieducazione Occluso-Posturale, Rome, Italy; OS.E.A.N.,  Osteopathic European Academic Network; England; L.U.Me.N.Oli.S.: Libera Universitas di Medicina Naturale ed Olistico-Sistemica; www.lumenolis.it

2. The Fascial Manipulation technique and its biomechanical model – a guide to the human fascial system. Lecture-Demo. The purpose of this workshop is to illustrate the latest research concerning the gross and histological anatomy of the superficial and deep fasciae of the human body, and to explain the biomechanical model for the human fascial system currently applied in the manual technique known as Fascial Manipulation.

Carla Stecco, Orthopedic Surgeon, MD Assistant Professor of Human Anatomy and Movement Sciences, University of Padova, Via Gabelli 65, 35127 Padova, Italy

Julie Ann Day, Physiotherapist Ospedale dei Colli, Via dei Colli 4, Padova , Italy

3. The Fascia: The Mechanism of Acupuncture? – A Clinical Perspective. Lecture-Demo. There is a significant amount of research that directly or indirectly suggests that stimulation of the fascia may be the mechanism of action of acupuncture treatment. This workshop will explore these findings and compare, integrate and revisit principles of acupuncture in light of them. Discussion and demonstration of acupuncture based on a myofascial perspective will apply these ideas clinically.

Andry Vleeming PhD, Spine & joint Rehabilitation Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Lieven Danneels PhD Professor, Ghent University – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences – Dept of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy – Ghent, Belgium

4. MUSCLE REPOSITIONING (RM) – Myofascial Release Technique Based on Tonic Reflexes. Lecture-Demo-Hands on Practice. Theory, demos and exchange of maneuvers will be combined with the purpose of introducing the practitioner to Muscle Repositioning (MR). MR is a myofascial technique characterized by the integration of body segments during manipulation, feature possibly related to its clinical efficacy. Discussions on its employment will be included.

Luiz Fernando Bertolucci, MD, BSc, Advanced Rolfing® Practitioner, Rolf Institute Faculty, ABR (Brazilian Rolfing Association) Faculty, creator of Muscle Repositioning technique.

5. Principles of Movement Work with special application to the role of Fascia and its response to different types of touch. Lecture-Demo-Hands on Practice. To give participants hands-on experience of using two different kinds of touch in order to facilitate the goals of movement work. Movement pattern recognition and strategies to increase freedom of movement without effort by using the support of the gravitational field.

Judith Roberts Certified Rolfing® Movement Teacher, Certified Advanced Rolfer®

Half Day Workshops

Each half day workshop will be offered twice, morning 9-11:30 am and repeated 1-3:30 pm in the afternoon session, Saturday October 31.

1. Biotensegrity: Principles and Clinical Application. Lecture-Demo. Biotensegrity applies the Buckminster Fuller/Kenneth Snelson tensegrity concept of "continuous tension – discontinuous compression" to biologic structures, with the fascia serving as the continuous, unifying mechanical structure in the body.  Using this concept, we will present a new approach to the theoretical understanding and practical applications when dealing with fascial imbalances.

Stephen M. Levin, MD, FACS Ezekiel Biomechanics Group

Danièle-Claude Martin, PhD Ezekiel Biomechanics Group, EU

2. The Effects of Dental Treatment for Orthodontic Purposes and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction on Body Posture. Lecture (Video Demo). The dental effects on body posture and vice versa are often overlooked because the quality of the research is limited and the literature is ambiguous. This workshop will address these links from a clinical perspective based on a myofascial model and demonstrate multi-disciplinary treatment of patients with postural compensations. More

Dr. Malcolm Levinkind, Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry. Full-time specialist in private practice, London, United Kingdom. Former Senior Lecturer in the Department of Paediatric dentistry, St. Bartholomew‘s and The Royal London Hospital School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom. Bio and Pubs

3. The Fascia: The Mechanism of Acupuncture? – A Clinical Perspective. Lecture-Demo. There is a significant amount of research that directly or indirectly suggests that stimulation of the fascia may be the mechanism of action of acupuncture treatment. This workshop will explore these findings and compare, integrate and revisit principles of acupuncture in light of them. Discussion and demonstration of acupuncture based on a myofascial perspective will apply these ideas clinically.

Steven Finando, PhD, LAc and Donna Finando, MS, LAc, LMT Private Practice, Heights HealthCare, Roslyn Heights, New York, USA. Bio and Pubs

4. Functional Fascial Taping®. Lecture-Demo-Hands on Practice. This workshop demonstrates a technique that can have a fast and dramatic effect on musculoskeletal pain, Functional Fascial Taping®. The technique has been shown to be significantly better than placebo in reducing Low Back Pain and improving function. Through lecture, demonstration and hands-on guidance scientists and clinicians will learn the elementary principles of an innovative systematic objective assessment procedure and tape application. More

Ron Alexander FFTP RMT Functional Fascial Taping Practitioner. Director/Founder Functional Fascial Taping Institute Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Former Principal Remedial Massage Therapist (Musculoskeletal), The Australian Ballet, South Bank, Melbourne, Australia.

Shu-Mei Chen PT, PhD Co-presenter Lecturer, School of Physical Therapy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

5. Myofascial Release (MFR) and Rheumatology – can MFR alleviate specific symptoms of autoimmune conditions? Interactive Presentation-Demo-Hands on Practice-Q&A+Discussion. To propose Myofascial Release (MFR) efficacy as a non-invasive modality to alleviate/reduce specific symptoms of selective rheumatological autoimmune conditions, and notably achieve beneficial connective tissue change. To explore from a Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI) perspective, whether, and if so how, MFR might help modulate the underlying excessive auto-immune response(s) and enhance immune response regulation.

Tanya Ball MSc BA LSSM, MISRM, MCNHC Member of the Institute of Sport & Remedial Massage – London, UK; Member of the Complementary & Natural Health Council, London, UK.

6. Release of Myofacial Pain with Deep Cross-friction Named "ROPTROTHERAPY". Lecture-Demo-Hands on Practice:

Explaining some important physiopathological processes involved in current myo-fascial pain syndromes.

Practicing of roptrotherapy, with the aid of bronze made myofascial T-bars, involved in musculoskeletal therapies such as low back pain, tension headache and shoulder problems.

Defining the basic principles of roptrotherapy.

Andre Farasyn, PhD PT, DO Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB): Faculty of Physical Education & Rehabilitation, Department of Human Physiology & Sports Medicine. Laarbeeklaan 103, 1090 Brussels, Belgium. Owner Private Practice: Myopain Center Ghent, for musculoskeletal pain.